Stool Samples
Many online commenters as of late have voiced their concern about me, an occasional chairmaker, sitting on a bucket like a peasant while milking.
I’d like to clear the air
…and report, I have, in fact made several milking stools (there’s actually a whole Youtube video about one of them, linked below), and while I do use a handmade stool for milking my goats in my barn at home, the bucket/milk crate has turned out to be a far more practical option when it comes to milking my cows.

I’d love to build a beautiful cow milking barn of my own, and fill it with handmade milking stools, but right now, I’ve got a bucket I keep on the fencepost in the middle of my field where I currently milk every day. Not only is it a comfy place to perch my tush while milking, when hanging on the fencepost, it offers a perfect, dry spot to store some of the milking supplies I use every day in the field, saving me multiple trips back and forth to… somewhere else, where I would likely forget I was keeping them anyway.
And plus, it’s been an absolute joy to build a few of these little cuties from firewood and give them to friends who use and love them. It takes just a hair longer to build a simple stool than to carve a spoon, and the result is pretty dang satisfying.