The School of All Trades... What's going on there?
The big goal in moving to TN, along with going all in with our new local community (and starting a dairy business with my friend Tyler), was figuring out a way to teach more and travel less. Building a school where folks could come to us seemed like the perfect answer, and I still believe it is, I just didn’t expect a global pandemic to turn what had initially started out as a fully funded, contractor managed, 6 month project into a 4.5 year legal and logistical nightmare, a total money pit of a project, and one of the most publicly humbling and privately stressful and expensive lessons of my entire life. As of a month ago, we finally have our last permit in hand, and are now, FINALLY ready to organize a big work party and start pulling wires. If you’d like to be kept in the loop to be invited to a work party or to come lend a hand in any other ways around the farm, please email me and we’ll put you on the list to notify you about such things as they happen.
Patrick Reynolds, electrician extraordinare, flew down from New York to help pull wires and clean up shop for…
A visit from Rob Rojas and Jimmy Diresta (not pictured) to move the tools and implements into the woodshop so we could get things rolling!
Estimated Completion Date?
While I still don’t have a realistic completion date for the building/project, we have decided it’s high time we start offering some “learn as we work together” style classes, and we plan on doing a soft launch with a few different homestead and woodworking related co-working/learning projects this fall, so again, if you’re interested, please contact me and let me know you’d like to be kept in the loop.