Finally, a Portable Jobsite Vacuum!
This review was created as part of a paid affiliate program with the Home Depot.
My first order of business with this and every product review is a disclaimer: I am not a professional contractor. I am a farmer and a fine furniture maker. When it comes to construction and renovation projects, I’m a DIYer and weekend warrior. That said, I doubt many professional contractors will be reading my tool reviews. My goal in reviewing tools and products is to provide honest feedback based on my own use and experience with these tools to other regular folks like me- wanting to get their hands dirty, try new things, and get the best value for their hard earned dollars.
Let’s talk about the Ridgid 18v 9 Gal CORDLESS Wet/dry Shop Vacuum!
Oh boy have I been waiting for this one forEVER, and this vacuum does not disappoint. If you’ve read any of my other tool reviews, you’ll know how valuable battery operated tools are around our farm, and this is no exception, I only wish it had come out during my tiny house project! Since we completed that project entirely on battery power, we really wished we had a good jobsite vacuum come drywall time, but alas, I had to wait another whole year to get my hands on this awesome vac.
Here’s just a few conventional ways this battery powered vacuum has made my life easier:
Cleaning my truck’s mats is a breeze without having to lug an extension cord from the house.
Even in the shop where there is access to power, this vac is the ultimately flexible tool, because I can drag it anywhere, use it to clean the shop/hook up to tools as portable dust collection and never have to worry about tripping over cords.
Suction on this tool is very comparable to the corded 9 gal option, it can be run on one battery OR two (for longer run time)
It’s compatible with the Ridgid 18V battery system I have for so many of my other Ridgid tools
It comes with Ridgid’s standard full lifetime warranty
Here’s the unconventional way I’ve been using it most:
Cleaning my bunny cages! As it turns out, this vacuum, due to it’s portable nature and fantastic sucking power, is the perfect tool to clean the dry waste my rabbits leave all over their coops. Since I got this thing, my bunnies have been much happier (and much cleaner) campers, and I’m super pumped about it. Using this tool saves me a ton of time for this less-than-favorable task, and I’ll happily sing about it from the rooftops.
This tool retails for $119, plus a minimum of $69 for a battery if you’re not already on the Ridgid platform. Is it worth it?
I’d say if you ever have use for a vacuum anytime you’re more than ten feet from a power outlet, it is definitely worth every penny. As I said, I’ve been waiting for this product to come out for QUITE a while, and I’m super pleased with the way it delivers, meets, and even exceeds my expectations.